-Birth- 'Slits' Pupil Textures for Glimmer Eyes
@ Fantasy Faire
April 22 - May 9
Taxi: Fantasy Faire Event
Much requested for fantasy avatars - slit eyes to look animal that just like any pupils
on Glimmer eyes, will randomly dilate or are adjustable in size.
(Pair with Iris textures without pupils).
4 textures, in sharp and blurred versions.
Can customize their size and even have them animating with the pupil-dilation
features within the main Glimmer Eyes Hud.
*Birth* 'Scar' Eye Textures
May 5th open
Taxi: TMD Event
Fantastically calloused eye Iris textures. Gives one an otheworldly, been through rough times vibe. [Addon for Glimmer Eyes]. You can choose whether to apply to the texture,
material, or both.
-Birth- 'Blaze' Skin for Lelutka
Applier & BOM
Shape included
8 Beards in Tintable White
4 Eyebrow Colours.
Browless Option.
Black, Blonde, Brown, Red Hairbase Colours.
Tintable White Hairbase.
'Off' Buttons for Hairbase and Beards.
((Mister Razzor)) Rony HD Brow
Birth Men's BOM Body Appliers
Full appliers come with various body hair options
No Hair, 6 chest hair and 4 leg hair styles.
9 Tones in Fatpacks (Full Range).
~[LeiMotiv] Rhombus Earrings
Hud driven fatpack
Materials enabled
Unrigged w/ resizer
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