SPONSOR: Signature Mesh Body
Chester Head - Cologne Outfit - Davis Body
Signature Mesh Body
[Signature] Chester - Mesh Head - v1.0
Our new Chester Male Head is now out with 30% OFF only for few days! The head includes, expressions, shine, mouth assets, default skins in multiples tones, brows, hair styles from bald to long, beard styles from baby face to lumberjack and more! All the features are on the main HUD for a quick and easy one click changes.
Signature Mesh Body
[Signature] Cologne - Outfit
different colors
Gianni & Davis
Signature Mesh Body
[Signature] Davis - Mesh Body - v1.1
This is a brand new release. The Signature Davis Body is available at the all new designed Main Store. Please watch Bostons video for a fantastic tutorial on using the newest Signature Mesh Body so you become familiar with it and are able to show it properly. https://youtu.be/tXvqAdKJwY8
Sintiklia - Hair Stephan -
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